Opening an account online
Start building a relationship of trust

What options you unlock
Can I start banking online?
Open an account provided you...
- Are over 18 years old.
- Have a Greek mobile number and an email account.
- Live permanently in Greece.
- Have a Greek tax number only.
- Are not the main holder in any other Alpha Bank account.

Have at hand...
- Your ID card or passport issued in any EU country.
- Your most recent tax clearance certificate in pdf format. You’ll find it on Taxisnet, under “Print Tax Determination Act”.
- A tax number certificate, if you don’t have a tax clearance certificate.
View the supporting documents you need to open an account.
Start banking online

1. Confirm your mobile number and email
Open the app and choose: Register > Open my first account.
Fill in your mobile number. To confirm it, enter the 6-digit code you received by SMS.
Fill in your email. To confirm it, enter the 6-digit code you received on that email.
The email will also be your username for logging into e-Banking.

2. Create password and accept the terms
Create a secure password and enter it twice to confirm it.
Your e-Banking credentials are all set.
Tick the boxes to accept the documents about our banking relationship and your personal data protection.

3. Confirm your identity
Choose the document you’ll be using (ID card or passport) and upload a photo of it, front and back.
Using your phone camera, take a picture of your face and upload a photo of it.
Do not close the app.
Tap on “Start video call” to be connected to one of our representatives, who will confirm your identity.

4. Enter your tax details and address
Enter your tax number and upload your tax clearance certificate.
Answer 8 short questions.
Confirm the address where you want us to send your debit card.
Choose how you want us to be contacting you.

5. Get your IBAN
Welcome to Alpha Bank!
Your IBAN appears once you’ve concluded the process. You also have your e-Banking credentials to log into e-Banking straight away with the username and password you created.
Your debit card will appear on your e-Banking and you’ll receive it by post very soon.
One more thing: Within 3 months from opening the account, you need to verify on your e-Banking, either through eGov-KYC or by online document upload, your:
- Occupation
- Address

Staying secure

How we protect you
How to protect yourself
What you must look out for
Any questions?
Find the answers you need for opening your first account.
Can I pause the account opening process and continue where I left off?
Yes. You can pause the process and continue from the step where you left off, at any time within the next 3 months. All you have to do is use the credentials you created at the beginning of the process:
- Username – your confirmed email address.
- Password – the password you created when you registered on the myAlpha Mobile app.
Can I use my account right away? Will I also receive the terms and conditions?
Yes. Your account ΙΒΑΝ is created automatically and is ready to use.
At the same time:
- You gain access to myAlpha Mobile and myAlpha Web.
- We will send you your new debit card by regular mail. When you receive the card, you can activate it online.
- Once all 3 products (account, e-Banking, card) have been created/issued, we will email you the respective terms and conditions, and agreements.
I do not feel safe opening an account from my mobile phone. Is it a secure process?
Open your first account