Branch Network

Alpha Smart Save account

Open a savings account online from your computer through myAlpha Web in just a few steps. Make the most of the favourable interest rate and reward interest.

Your savings ally

Favourable interest rate
For 1 charge / 6 months from the very 1st euro you deposit into your account.
Up to double the reward interest
Earn up to double the interest depending on the average 6-month deposit increase.
100% online process
Without visiting a branch or printing out documents.

Discover the features

Find out all the features of the Alpha Smart Save account.

What’s the interest rate and how you save

Up to 0.30% interest rate

If you charge the account only once every 6 months, you secure favourable interest rate:

  • 0.15% on amounts up to €50,000 
  • 0.30% on amounts from €50,001 

The favourable interest rate applies from the very 1st euro.

The interest is paid into your account on 30.06 and 31.12 every year.

Have a look at the deposit and loan interest rates.

Twice the interest

At the end of each calendar 6-month period we compare your average 6-month balance to that of the previous 6-month period. If the percentage change is positive, we reward you with the corresponding percentage increase in interest for that 6-month period.

The reward interest may reach up to 100% of your deposit interest. This way you can double your savings account returns.

Increased savings

You cannot shop, pay bills or carry out other transactions with the Alpha Smart Save account. This way, you can actually watch your savings increasing.

Tip: Why not set up a standing order with a fixed amount to be paid into your account at regular intervals? It’s the best way to increase your balance systematically and step up your savings efforts. 

Detailed info

Read the pre-contractual information (in Greek) about the Alpha Smart Save account.


How it makes banking easier

Credit or debit card linked to your account

Link your Alpha Smart Save account to the debit or credit card you already hold.

Tip:  If you don’t hold a debit card, you can apply online as soon as you open your account. 

Withdrawals and transfers

You may only withdraw money from Alpha Bank ATMs and transfer money to other accounts you hold at Alpha Bank.

Free e-statements to track your activity

Every month, you can view an e-statement, i.e. an electronic copy of your account activity, on your e-Banking. You are notified by email when a new e-statement is issued, free of charge. Through your e-Banking you can access the e-statements for the last 18 months.

Tip: If you want, you may save them as pdf files on your computer and create your own digital archive.

How you bank securely

With Alpha alerts you are notified in real time by email or Viber/text message of any activity on your account and of any online transactions through your e-Banking. This way, you rest assured your transactions are secure.

Tip: Alpha alerts sent by email are free. For Viber/text message notifications you pay €1.90 a month in total, for all the accounts you have linked to your e-Banking.

Can I get the account online?

Have a look at the conditions for opening an Alpha Smart Save account online.

Apply provided you...

Apply provided you
Have at hand

Have at hand...

  • Your Taxisnet credentials, if you haven’t updated your details and want to do so through eGov-KYC.
  • The supporting documents you’ll need, if you haven’t updated your details and choose to do so by uploading the documents.

Open an account through e-Banking

To apply online, you don’t need a minimum deposit. You just need to log into myAlpha Web with your e-Banking credentials. 
First step
Second step
Third step

1. Choose Alpha Smart Save

On the menu, choose New products > Alpha Smart Save.

Find out about the interest rates and check that your contact details are correct.

Tick the box to confirm you agree with the detailed terms and conditions.

Choose “Continue”.

First step

2. Confirm your details

Check that your details are correct and click on “Continue”.

To change your details, stop the process to update your details.

Second step

3. Get the IBAN and link your card

The Alpha Smart Save account has been opened and the IBAN appears.

You can now:

  • “Link to a new card”, if you want to apply for a new debit card.
  • “Link to an existing card”, if you want to link it to a card you already hold.

Your new account will appear on your e-Banking automatically and you can start using it.

Third step

No e-Banking?

Get credentials

From your computer or mobile

If you hold an active Alpha Bank debit or credit card, you can get credentials on the spot, without visiting a branch.

Start banking with us

Online, without visiting a branch 

Open your first account with Alpha Bank and get e-Banking credentials online.

Any questions?

Find the answers you need about the Alpha Smart Save account.

Where can I find my account number?

  • On the dashboard of myAlpha Web
  • In your passbook.  
  • In the account statement you receive by post.  

How can I view my account activity on my e-Banking?

On myAlpha Web:

  1. Click on “History” on the left menu. 
  2. Click on the down arrow in “Select account” and choose the account you are interested in to view its latest activity. 
  3. Set the time period you want through the “From” and “To” fields.

Otherwise, click on “History” under any account in the “Overview” screen to view its activity instantly.

On myAlpha Mobile.

  1. Tap on “Accounts” in the “Overview” screen.
  2. Choose 1 account to view its latest activity.
  3. Tap on the 3 vertical lines to set filters (time period, debit, credit).

Open an Alpha Smart Save account

Log into myAlpha Web today and open a savings account online, without visiting a branch.