Branch Network

Enjoy flexibility and earn rewards for your purchases

Apply for an Alpha Bank Bonus Mastercard®, a card which combines flexibility and security in your transactions with Bonus reward!

Use this versatile credit card and experience the worldwide prestige that Mastercard offers for any transaction in Greece, abroad and online and enjoy the unique benefits of Bonus Loyalty Program.

Spend with Alpha Bank Bonus Mastercard and earn Bonus points on your everyday transactions. Redeem your Bonus points  on unique discounts and offers from more than 4,000 merchants affiliated to the Program. Discover our partners and choose the ones that meet your needs to do your shopping, online and offline.

Apply for an Alpha Bank Bonus Mastercard® credit card on your mobile, the myAlpha Mobile app, or on your computer, through myAlpha Web.

If you don’t bank with us fill in the online application form and upload the supporting documents


Frequent questions

What are Alpha alerts?

Alpha alerts are notifications sent to you by Alpha Bank in real time, every time you:

  • Shop using your card.
  • Withdraw cash within your card credit limit (cash advance).
  • Withdraw cash from your account at ΑΤΜs in Greece or abroad.
  • Carry out transactions using e-Banking.

You can choose between Viber/SMS or email notifications.