- When was SEPA created?
- What is SEPA?
- Which countries belong to SEPA?
- Who is affected by SEPA?
- Why was SEPA created?
- Which are the main products affected by SEPA and benefiting consumers?
- What are the benefits that consumers gain through SEPA?
- What are the charging options available for SEPA transactions?
- Is it possible to execute payment transactions with charging option BEN?
- Is there uniform pricing in all participating countries due to SEPA?
- Which banking products are affected by the recent Regulation 260/2012?
- Are the changes introduced to banking products by Regulation 260/2012 mandatory?
- Are there any exceptions to Regulation 260/2012?
- Are there any penalties (e.g. fines) in case of not complying with Regulation 260/2012?
- What changes does Regulation 260/2012 introduce to banking products for private customers (individuals)?
- What changes does Regulation 260/2012 introduce to banking products for businesses?
- Is it also obligatory for subsidiaries of the Alpha Bank Group to comply with Regulation 260/2012?
- Which Alpha Bank products are affected by Regulation 260/2012?
- Do transactions in cash have to comply with Regulation 260/2012?
- Do transactions with payment cards have to comply with Regulation 260/2012?
- What immediate solution does the Bank propose to businesses so that they can generate the new XML file format (either concerns payments orders file or direct debits files)?
- If a business does not wish to import its files, structured according to the current file format, to the File Conversion Tool (conversion service), what solution does the Bank offer so as to generate the new file format?
- If a business is an myAlpha Web subscriber, can it continue to use the “myAlpha Web File Preparation Tool” application without using the File Conversion Tool (conversion service)?
- What changes does a business, which is an Alpha Bank File Transfer subscriber, face regarding its communication with the Bank for the XML file format exchange?
- How will a business, which is an Alpha Bank File Transfer subscriber, get informed about the CPAYID and the CDC?
- What are the services through which a business can execute interbank payments?
- Can payment orders and/or debt collections files to be sent until 31.1.2016 for execution after 1.2.2016 by the Alpha Bank File Transfer / Physical File Transfer / Alpha Mass Payments/myAlpha Web services follow the current file format?