Bonus e-Coupons
exclusively in the Bonus app.
Open the Bonus app, select “e-Coupons”,
navigate through the exclusive e-Coupon offers of the Bonus affiliated merchants and get your coupons!
Bonus e-Coupons are issued in a specific number, depending on the offer of each partner, have an expiry date and may only be used by the date indicated on them. After that date, they get cancelled/deleted. e-Coupons may only be used once and in a single transaction. If you don’t use your e-Coupons or if they expire, the Bonus points you used to get the Bonus e-Coupons are not credited back. If the e-Coupons are used for a transaction that was later cancelled, neither the Bonus e-Coupons nor the respective Bonus points are credited back.
Of course! Below you can find all the available offers.
Log in to the Bonus app to get them!
Earn a €60 discount off bookings for flights with Aegean and Olympic Air.
Learn more about the terms governing the redemption of Bonus points for issuing and using coupons. The coupons are available only online exclusively through Bonus app until exhausted:
Hondos Center
Aegean: Get a coupon by redeeming points through the Bonus app from 27.01.2025 to 24.03.2025. Each coupon represents a discount for bookings from 27.01.2025 to 24.03.2025 and for flights from 27.01.2025 to 30.09.2025.
bp: Get a coupon by redeeming points through the Bonus app from 01.02.2025 to 28.02.2025. Each coupon may be used up until 31.03.2025.
Hondos Center: Get a coupon by redeeming 5.000 points through the Bonus app from 01.01.2025 to 31.03.2025. Each coupon may be used up until 30.04.2025.
Get a coupon by redeeming 3.000 points through the Bonus app from 01.02.2025 to 28.02.2025. Each coupon may be used up until 31.03.2025.
ΙΚΕΑ: Get a coupon by redeeming points through the Bonus app from 27.01.2025 to 31.03.2025. Each coupon may be used up until 30.04.2025.
BOX: Get a coupon by redeeming points through the Bonus app from 01.02.2025 to 31.03.2025. Each coupon may be used up until 30.04.2025.