Branch Network

Online shopping scams

When an online bargain seems too good to be true, it usually is. See how to boost your security in a few steps.

Choose Greek websites

When you have an option, it is advisable to choose Greek websites for your online shopping, as this makes it easier to solve any problems that might arise.

Do your research before you buy

Reviews are one of the many benefits of online shopping. We now have a way to know how happy other buyers are with their purchase, in terms of both the actual product and the shop they bought it from. Check out the reviews before you buy.

Also compare prices. If a products costs €100 on 5 shops and an ad tries to sell it for €20, then something is fishy. Do not trust ads that are too good to be true and products that make unrealistic promises.

Check the payment method

To boost transaction security, it is preferable to pay for a purchase using a trusted payment service provider. It is also advisable to use credit cards.

If the seller asks you to pay with cash transfer, you had better avoid this method.

Keep your apps updated

Your apps and software are constantly updated to offer you better security. To boost your security, you should always make sure to keep your operating system and protection software (e.g. antivirus) updated.

Contact the seller

If you paid for a product and never received it, you will have to contact the seller. If you cannot make contact, call us on +302103260000.

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