Business Banking Advisory
Grow your business and plan your next stes with expert guidance from your Business Advisor.
Deposit products
Meet modern deposit accounts that correspond fully and effectively to every business need.
Business Cards
Give flexibility to your business transactions and at the same time enjoy special privileges and Bonus rewards.
IRIS Payments for professionals and individual businesses
Accept payments from your customers directly into your account, just with your mobile or your business tax number.
Nexi POS for Card Payments
Discover our new, innovative card payment services and choose a POS solution tailored to your business needs.
Partner Ecosystem
With the Alpha Bank partner ecosystem you have all the support you need to grow your business.
Green Solutions for Small Businesses
Invest in solutions that combine the growth and financial performance of your business with social and environmental sustainability.
Alpha Payroll
Enjoy several benefits for your company and your personnel by opting for Alpha Bank comprehensive Payroll Service.
Financing Solutions
Get the modern equipment you want, boost your liquidity and implement your development plans of your business.
Sectoral Programmes
Ensure the liquidity of your business and increase your competitive edge.
Offer complete protection to your business by ensuring a smooth everyday business activity.
International Trade
Boost your international business activity, using Alpha Bank's specialized International trade services.
New customer
Branch Network

Move with ease and security in your business activity

Boost your company's development by taking advantage of the benefits and effectiveness of factoring and forfaiting services that Alpha Bank Group offers you.

ABC Factors, a 100% subsidiary of Alpha Bank Group, offers you a wide range of Domestic and International Factoring services as well as Forfaiting, both in primary and secondary markets.

By building on ABC Factors services for managing and collecting receivables, you boost your company's development, while at the same time you may take advantage of additional liquidity stemming from repayment of trade receivables

Factoring Services

  • Financing through discounting trade receivables to the supplier
  • Coverage of credit risk of debtors
  • Collection of receivables 
  • Management and Accounting control of Accounts Receivables 
  • Credit assessment of the buyers 

Moreover, ABC FACTORS offers a wide range of derived services, such as reverse factoring and forfaiting, as well as international factoring services (imports and export Factoring) as an FCI member, and at the same time it offers coverage of trade credits in more than 70 countries

Directed to:

Enterprises that are able to use factoring services, have the following characteristics usually: 

  • They sell on credit
  • They have a constant and sufficiently disseminated clientèle
  • They demonstrate constant and / or increasing turnover. 


Using the modern Factoring and Forfaiting services you can experience comparative advantages that will assist in your company's development, such as:

  • immediate liquidity, depending on your company's sales thus assisting your financial planning
  • enhancement of bargaining position and competitiveness of supplier due to increased liquidity 
  • reduction of operating cost through accounts receivable control and collection by ABC Factors
  • facilitation of exporting and importing activity 
  • personalised support, management and collection of trade receivables, according to each supplier's credit policy and commercial practices.