Branch Network

Appointment in 4 steps

If you don’t bank with us, or do so but don’t have e-Banking credentials yet, it’s still fast and easy to book an appointment online.

Fill in your details

Go to myAlpha Rendez-vous and choose what best describes you:

  • Individual
  • Sole proprietorship / Freelance professional
  • Business

Fill in your tax number, email and mobile phone number. In case of businesses, fill in both your personal tax number and the business tax number.

To proceed, fill in the one-time passcode (OTP) sent to your mobile. The OTP remains active for 10 minutes.

Choose the reason for the appointment

To best serve you, you need to choose:

  1. Appointment category from the menu on the left (e.g. accounts, cards, loans).
  2. Reason for the appointment from the menu on the right.

You can choose up to 3 reasons in total, from any category.

If you bank with us and can get served through e-Banking for the specific task, choose “Get served through e-Banking” to get credentials so you don’t have to book an appointment.


Choose how, where and when

Choose whether you wish to book an appointment:

  • At one of our branches
  • Through video call
  • Over the phone

If you already bank with us and all your details are up to date, the Alpha Bank branch that serves you appears as the default branch. In addition, the calendar of the representative who’ll assist you also appears.

Alternatively, choose “See all the branches” to locate another branch on the map. Choose the day and time for your appointment, depending on availability.

Note that if you choose video call, for the time being you can only get information about your request during the video call.

Check the details and confirm the appointment

Confirm the appointment.

You get an email with all the appointment details. In addition, you get a list of all the supporting documents you may need, depending on the reason for the appointment.

If you want to cancel your appointment, follow the link you receive in the email.